OK, I guess the latest fad among the extremely wealthy is to publicly express your desire to donate a majority of their fortunes to charity. This seems to have all started with Bill Gates and Warren Buffett. As a whole I am not opposed to this, it is their choice to do with the money they have made whatever they like. The problem I have is then these same Billionaires spout of liberal trash about needing to raise everyone taxes to fund the government's social programs. Why not just shut your months and send all of those billions to Obama so he can do what he wants to with it. Instead they would rather have a "look at me, look how wonderful and caring I am" moment, from money that they made from the wealthy and upper middle class. Warren Buffett did not make his billions by investing money from the so called poor in this country. No, he made his money by investing money from the financially secure people who wanted a rate of return for him using their money. The people who invested the money in turn created the jobs that came from Warren Buffetts sound investments.
The liberals hate this form of free market because it means that people are not beholden to them for what they have. That is why they want to keep taking it from the more financially secure people. Liberals are all about bringing wealth and power to themselves because they truly believe that only they have the answers. That all we have to do is trust them implicitly. I am sorry but I personally think Nancy Pelosi could not successfully think her way out of a paper bag, and Harry Reid is suspect as well. I have no idea how Barney Frank even gets out of bed and Henry Waxman should go back to his old job as the "Crypt Keeper."
I say these Billionaires should take a page from the Bible that says when you give you should not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing. If you bring attention to yourself then you have already received your reward. If these Billionaires want to give away their money, then that is great, there are people in the world who need help, but do not crow about doing it. Government needs to get out of social programs and stop the class demonization that politicians are famous for. Businesses need to realize that people are their greatest commodity and not a healthy balance sheet. Republicans need to stop demonizing immigrants who have not entered the country legally, just as Democrats need to stop demonizing anyone who opposes their social agenda. Republicans need to remember that the very businesses that support them also support cheap labor that the illegals provide. The only reason the Democrats support letting them in is because the Unions see the illegals as future members they can squeeze money from. Everyone in DC is corrupt, so who can you really trust.
Cynicism is easy.