To me this just shows how Federal funding needs to be removed from Public Television and Radio because it is basically a mouth piece for the liberal media. It should be called "National Pravda Radio". There is nothing bigoted about what Juan Williams said nor is he a bigot for feeling this way. If a Muslim wants to get on a plane in full regalia, then he better be prepared to suffer some quizzical looks and down right mistrust from other people. There is one primary commonality among the hijackers on September 11th as well as the 'shoe bomber", "underwear bomber", the "Mumbai terrorists", and all of the other attacks on western countries the past two decades. All of the attackers were Muslims whose minds have been warped to think that killing innocent people will somehow bring them glory in the after life. For anyone to think different means they are fooling themselves in believing that there is not evil in the world.
To get back to the NPR thing, the only people who continue to listen to NPR as their sole source of news, are the liberals who either cannot or will not pay for other news sources. There is nothing public about public television. Jim Lerher is one of the biggest liberals out there, but he is portrayed on NPR as this respected journalist. He has actually stated that a journalist cannot be biased because it is the viewer who brings the bias to the table. The journalist just reports it as they see it. How backwards can you get!!!! If the journalist reports it as they see it, then that in turn means that they are going to see it through the eyes of their own viewpoints, which means they have already biased the reporting. Just another liberal who wants you to believe that they have some higher calling, are above suspicion and are only looking out for the welfare of others. I think I would rather them come right out and say that they are liberals and that is how they will report the news, than continue on with the charade.
I have never been a big Juan Williams fan and I definitely do not agree with his politics, but what happened to him was wrong in my opinion. I hope NPR gets what should be coming to them and all federal funding be removed from them. They already spend it seems four months out of the year asking for people to donate. That is fine if people what to give to them, but get the taxpayers out of the process.
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