I will admit that the premise behind the United Nations is admirable, but the implementation is sorely lacking. I can not believe that the UN is now asking for more money to battle a Cholera epidemic when only a few months ago they were forking out over $112,000/day to house UN relief workers on two cruise ships that had been dubbed by UN workers "The Love Boats." By my calculations they could have housed their people in tents and other temporary accommodation like other relief agencies and saved over $100,000/day. If you divide $112,000 into $164 million it equates to almost 1465 days or about 4 years. The so called reasoning for needing the cruise ships was that the workers were working 12, 14, 16 hours a day and that the living conditions in Haiti were appalling. Not to be glib, but the living conditions prior to the earthquake were already appalling. The purpose of the reliefs workers is to get the money and services to the people in need and not spend it frivolously on perks for UN workers. I really do wonder how many UN workers called in sick every morning. Just one year of cruise ship living was over $40 million.
Back to the Cholera epidemic. I completely understand the need for more aid, but any aid should not be sent through the UN which has already proven itself less than reliable and almost down right fraudulent in dispersing aid. There are so many other good, relief agencies who are in Haiti that would be more deserving than the UN, and will actually use the money as intended and not just pay for some bloated bureaucracy. If the UN was really about helping impoverished nations they would have taken the $40 million spent for one year on cruise ships and used it to battle the water problems that developed from the earthquake. Cholera is a water borne disease so with most of the public services devastated from the earthquake, this is the most likely cause of the outbreak. The UN has had almost a year to handle this and what have they done. NOTHING!!!!!
Just like the League of Nations was a failure in that it did not confront Hitler, the United Nations is a complete and utter failure for their lack of response to global world threats as well as trying to present themselves as a global humanitarian organization. Let's tell it like it is, the United Nations is a socialist, liberal bureaucracy created by socialist liberals that should be dismantled.
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