Thursday, January 6, 2011

Liberal Dems!! What a bunch of IDIOTS!!

Yesterday the 112th Congress was sworn in.  It is great to see that a country can have such a peaceful transfer of power from one party to the next.  However, with that said I can not believe how narcissistic one person can be.  Nancy Pelosi has brought about a new low in narcissistic behavior.  This lady is completely clueless.  She has yet to acknowledge that her actions for the past 4 years led directly to her party having the worst election defeat in 62 years.  This woman is so full of herself that she had to grandstand before she could bring herself to hand over the gavel.  And liberals accuse conservatives of being fascists!!!! This woman is so addicted to power, I think if she could have she would have never handed over the gavel, but instead state that the results of the election did not mirror the true will of the people but instead was a conspiracy.  We have heard that argument before from other famous dictators (i.e. Chavez, Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, etc.)  When will the liberals realize that the crap that spews from San Francisco, New York City, and Hollywood is not how the majority of Americans think.

Also, Howard Dean.  I can not believe anyone gave this man permission to practice medicine.  But of course, we see how good of a doctor he was since he can not seem to go back doing what he was trained to do.  I truly believe this man will say anything just to get his face on television.  He has now accused the Tea Party movement of being racists.  He says the only reason the Tea Party became involved is because they did not like seeing a black man as President.  This man is clearly delusional and needs to be on some stronger medication.  Just like in any walk of life there are racists in every political affiliation.  There are just as many racists in the Democratic Party as there are in the Republican, Green, Libertarian, and other parties.  For Howard Dean to solely point out the Tea Party movement just shows how pissed the liberals are, in that they were not able to squelch legitimate voices being heard.  Liberals have no desire for free speech, they just want to control speech so that anyone who disagrees with them is silenced.  That is why they are the big supporters of the Fairness Doctrine.  Most people have no desire to hear what they have to say so, they have to implement regulations so people have to listen to what they have to say.  Howard Dean, another liberal waste of air.

And lastly, Rep. Jerrold Nadler is at it again.  This guy just needs to go away.  Another waste of air a decent person could be breathing.  Most people realize that the reading of the Constitution by the incoming Republicans is a gimmick, but this guy needs to understand that he takes an oath of office to uphold the very document that is being read.  For this man to say that the Constitution is not "sacred" clearly shows this man has no clue as to the definition of the word. Sure "sacred" can be used in a religious since, but it also means "secured against violation, infringement, ... as by reverence or sense of right."  For him to say that the Constitution should not be treated as sacred or protected just shows how little respect the man has for the document.  It is probably more apparent that Rep. Nadler believes thats the country should be governed by gut feeling and not be governed by laws.  Yes, the Constitution was not perfect when it was signed, but it has been amended to right some of the wrongs.  This man needs to realize that ultimately he serves the people and not his gut, and that the people expect him to govern within the confines the Constitution established.  "We the people, in order to from a more perfect union, establish justice and insure domestic tranquility.  Provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, insure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution."  Of course this man is associated with the Democratic Socialists of America, which is just a less direct way of saying, "I am a Communist."  We all know what Communists think of our Constitution, seeing how almost all of the dictatorships in the world today are Communist.

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