It has been awhile since I posted anything because I wanted to take a break from all of the political garbage going on in Washington , but something happened this weekend that I just had to post about. Apparently during a Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) gathering in Detroit, MI, Representative Maxine Waters asked for permission from those attending to attack President Barack Obama about his unemployment policies. According to the latest figures, black people have a higher unemployment percentage than any other race. The CBC is now saying that Obama is not focusing enough on black issues and that he should be instituting programs that help blacks to be employed.
I find this amusing because had a white politician said the same thing within the same context he would have been branded a "racist." Why can't politicians get out of their pandering to certain groups and focus on the real issue. The economy is in the tank, unemployment is high, and the only solution Obama wants is to raise taxes and to spend more money that we do not have. We have been told by black politicians and activists for awhile that criticism of President Obama is basically rooted in underlying racism in our country. That people who are against Obama are only against him because he is black. I guess this now means that members of the CBC are now showing their own underlying racism. Of course this comment is tongue and cheek because how could a black person be racists against a member of their own race. Now it could be racism since Obama is from more of a mixed ethnicity since his father was black and his mother was white, so a black person could be racist toward that aspect.
IMO, what is happening is a basic failure of the liberal agenda. First and foremost, Obama is a socialist liberal. Many of the members of the CBC are socialist liberals. For them to now be coming out wanting to criticize someone with the same political affiliation just goes to show how out of touch they are with their own beliefs. Winston Churchill had it right when he said, "We contend that for a nation to try to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle." The CBC would have you to believe that they are different and that they are seeking the will of their constituents, which is laughable. Right now all they are trying to do is distance themselves from Obama because even among black voters his poll numbers are falling. The independent voters are bailing on him and whether the CBC is willing to admit it or not they also need a significant independent vote turnout in order to stay in office.
The world is not so black and white anymore, there are so many ethnicities and ethnic mixtures that the old racial classifications really are outdated. To continue to hold to a racial political divide is just asking for further alienation of the public. The problem is that these politicians ran on this platform in order to get into office and they just cannot bring themselves to abandon a mindset that elected them at first. IMO, people are tired of hearing how racist the USA is, and that if you do not believe a certain way then you are racist. There are racists out there but I believe that most people are basically accepting of other races until they are taught otherwise.
The world is not so black and white anymore, there are so many ethnicities and ethnic mixtures that the old racial classifications really are outdated. To continue to hold to a racial political divide is just asking for further alienation of the public. The problem is that these politicians ran on this platform in order to get into office and they just cannot bring themselves to abandon a mindset that elected them at first. IMO, people are tired of hearing how racist the USA is, and that if you do not believe a certain way then you are racist. There are racists out there but I believe that most people are basically accepting of other races until they are taught otherwise.
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