Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Rep. Alan Grayson. What a waste of air!!!

This Congressional Representative from Florida, Alan Grayson, what a complete waste of air that someone decent could be breathing.  This guy needs to go ahead and put on his foil hat and drink the Kool-Aid.  This guy has released a political ad where he is taking his challengers statements completely out of context.  After the crap that happened to the lady at the Agriculture Department, did he really think that people were not going to check to make sure statements are given their proper context. 

Even after his campaign was challenged and told that the statements are taken out of context and he was provided the entire statement within the correct context, his campaign's response was, "well he did say those words."  If that is their answer to a grossly misleading if not downright dishonest ad, then why don't we go ahead and piece together an ad that says "I, Alan Grayson, am a member of the Taliban and Al Qaeda.  I support pedophiles and spousal abuse."  I am sure we can piece together an entire ad campaign where he has used those words at one point in his life.  It would be just a matter of some selective editing and taking statements out of context to do it.  According to his campaign this is legitimate because he did say those words.  Just for fun, and if I have some time on my hands, maybe I will do that.

There are some people in this world who are just so blatantly dishonest and venomous, that they really should cease to exist.  As it stands right now, there is nothing that I can see that makes this man anything other than a waste of air.

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