OK, I guess the latest fad among the extremely wealthy is to publicly express your desire to donate a majority of their fortunes to charity. This seems to have all started with Bill Gates and Warren Buffett. As a whole I am not opposed to this, it is their choice to do with the money they have made whatever they like. The problem I have is then these same Billionaires spout of liberal trash about needing to raise everyone taxes to fund the government's social programs. Why not just shut your months and send all of those billions to Obama so he can do what he wants to with it. Instead they would rather have a "look at me, look how wonderful and caring I am" moment, from money that they made from the wealthy and upper middle class. Warren Buffett did not make his billions by investing money from the so called poor in this country. No, he made his money by investing money from the financially secure people who wanted a rate of return for him using their money. The people who invested the money in turn created the jobs that came from Warren Buffetts sound investments.
The liberals hate this form of free market because it means that people are not beholden to them for what they have. That is why they want to keep taking it from the more financially secure people. Liberals are all about bringing wealth and power to themselves because they truly believe that only they have the answers. That all we have to do is trust them implicitly. I am sorry but I personally think Nancy Pelosi could not successfully think her way out of a paper bag, and Harry Reid is suspect as well. I have no idea how Barney Frank even gets out of bed and Henry Waxman should go back to his old job as the "Crypt Keeper."
I say these Billionaires should take a page from the Bible that says when you give you should not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing. If you bring attention to yourself then you have already received your reward. If these Billionaires want to give away their money, then that is great, there are people in the world who need help, but do not crow about doing it. Government needs to get out of social programs and stop the class demonization that politicians are famous for. Businesses need to realize that people are their greatest commodity and not a healthy balance sheet. Republicans need to stop demonizing immigrants who have not entered the country legally, just as Democrats need to stop demonizing anyone who opposes their social agenda. Republicans need to remember that the very businesses that support them also support cheap labor that the illegals provide. The only reason the Democrats support letting them in is because the Unions see the illegals as future members they can squeeze money from. Everyone in DC is corrupt, so who can you really trust.
Cynicism is easy.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Friday, November 12, 2010
The United Nations - What a Waste!!!
FoxNews.com - UN Appeals for $164M to Combat Haiti Cholera
I will admit that the premise behind the United Nations is admirable, but the implementation is sorely lacking. I can not believe that the UN is now asking for more money to battle a Cholera epidemic when only a few months ago they were forking out over $112,000/day to house UN relief workers on two cruise ships that had been dubbed by UN workers "The Love Boats." By my calculations they could have housed their people in tents and other temporary accommodation like other relief agencies and saved over $100,000/day. If you divide $112,000 into $164 million it equates to almost 1465 days or about 4 years. The so called reasoning for needing the cruise ships was that the workers were working 12, 14, 16 hours a day and that the living conditions in Haiti were appalling. Not to be glib, but the living conditions prior to the earthquake were already appalling. The purpose of the reliefs workers is to get the money and services to the people in need and not spend it frivolously on perks for UN workers. I really do wonder how many UN workers called in sick every morning. Just one year of cruise ship living was over $40 million.
Back to the Cholera epidemic. I completely understand the need for more aid, but any aid should not be sent through the UN which has already proven itself less than reliable and almost down right fraudulent in dispersing aid. There are so many other good, relief agencies who are in Haiti that would be more deserving than the UN, and will actually use the money as intended and not just pay for some bloated bureaucracy. If the UN was really about helping impoverished nations they would have taken the $40 million spent for one year on cruise ships and used it to battle the water problems that developed from the earthquake. Cholera is a water borne disease so with most of the public services devastated from the earthquake, this is the most likely cause of the outbreak. The UN has had almost a year to handle this and what have they done. NOTHING!!!!!
Just like the League of Nations was a failure in that it did not confront Hitler, the United Nations is a complete and utter failure for their lack of response to global world threats as well as trying to present themselves as a global humanitarian organization. Let's tell it like it is, the United Nations is a socialist, liberal bureaucracy created by socialist liberals that should be dismantled.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Who is Charlie Christ??? A Liberal that's who!!!
Clinton Asked Democrat to Quit Florida Senate Race- WSJ.com
I found this article very interesting seeing how the Governor of Florida, Charlie Crist, was actually at one time a Republican and was even considered by John McCain to be his VP running mate in 2008. I lived in Florida for many years and I actually voted for Charlie Crist when he ran for Governor, but I did it while holding my nose. I have never seen Charlie Crist as anything but a political opportunist, and what has been happening this year has just solidified that belief.
Crist openly embraced Obama when he thought that Obama's popularity and coattails were something he could ride on. When it became clear that Crist had made a bad call riding those coattails, he then tried to re-brand himself. Sorry buddy but you made your bed, time to lay in it. Crist actually thought the majority of Americans supported Obama because of his policies. Even before the 2008 election, it was clear the main reason Obama was popular was because he spoke well, and he was something different. He did not act like the prototypical Washington insider. The problem for Obama became that he then trusted the Washington insiders to advance the liberal agenda. Crist got snared and painted with the same brush. Crist is lucky the Republican party does seek reimbursement for all the money they have shelled out for his campaigns through the years.
Back to the article, to me this had nothing to do with Kendrick Meek, but had everything to do with Charlie Crist. I think Crist openly asked Clinton to request Meek to withdraw, because I see no end to the methods Crist would try to use to try and get elected. The man has no character and integrity. He basically drove the Florida economy into the ground and then when he realized that getting reelected would be tough, he decided to bail and try to ride Obama's coattails into the US Senate. Well Buddy, I sure do hope Kendrick Meek is a man of character and sees you for who you are. I think a man who stays true to who he is and still loses, is more of a man than one who sells his soul for a political seat.
Crist openly embraced Obama when he thought that Obama's popularity and coattails were something he could ride on. When it became clear that Crist had made a bad call riding those coattails, he then tried to re-brand himself. Sorry buddy but you made your bed, time to lay in it. Crist actually thought the majority of Americans supported Obama because of his policies. Even before the 2008 election, it was clear the main reason Obama was popular was because he spoke well, and he was something different. He did not act like the prototypical Washington insider. The problem for Obama became that he then trusted the Washington insiders to advance the liberal agenda. Crist got snared and painted with the same brush. Crist is lucky the Republican party does seek reimbursement for all the money they have shelled out for his campaigns through the years.
Back to the article, to me this had nothing to do with Kendrick Meek, but had everything to do with Charlie Crist. I think Crist openly asked Clinton to request Meek to withdraw, because I see no end to the methods Crist would try to use to try and get elected. The man has no character and integrity. He basically drove the Florida economy into the ground and then when he realized that getting reelected would be tough, he decided to bail and try to ride Obama's coattails into the US Senate. Well Buddy, I sure do hope Kendrick Meek is a man of character and sees you for who you are. I think a man who stays true to who he is and still loses, is more of a man than one who sells his soul for a political seat.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Juan Williams Fired From NPR For Muslim Comment - Speakeasy - WSJ
Juan Williams Fired From NPR For Muslim Comment - Speakeasy - WSJ
To me this just shows how Federal funding needs to be removed from Public Television and Radio because it is basically a mouth piece for the liberal media. It should be called "National Pravda Radio". There is nothing bigoted about what Juan Williams said nor is he a bigot for feeling this way. If a Muslim wants to get on a plane in full regalia, then he better be prepared to suffer some quizzical looks and down right mistrust from other people. There is one primary commonality among the hijackers on September 11th as well as the 'shoe bomber", "underwear bomber", the "Mumbai terrorists", and all of the other attacks on western countries the past two decades. All of the attackers were Muslims whose minds have been warped to think that killing innocent people will somehow bring them glory in the after life. For anyone to think different means they are fooling themselves in believing that there is not evil in the world.
To get back to the NPR thing, the only people who continue to listen to NPR as their sole source of news, are the liberals who either cannot or will not pay for other news sources. There is nothing public about public television. Jim Lerher is one of the biggest liberals out there, but he is portrayed on NPR as this respected journalist. He has actually stated that a journalist cannot be biased because it is the viewer who brings the bias to the table. The journalist just reports it as they see it. How backwards can you get!!!! If the journalist reports it as they see it, then that in turn means that they are going to see it through the eyes of their own viewpoints, which means they have already biased the reporting. Just another liberal who wants you to believe that they have some higher calling, are above suspicion and are only looking out for the welfare of others. I think I would rather them come right out and say that they are liberals and that is how they will report the news, than continue on with the charade.
I have never been a big Juan Williams fan and I definitely do not agree with his politics, but what happened to him was wrong in my opinion. I hope NPR gets what should be coming to them and all federal funding be removed from them. They already spend it seems four months out of the year asking for people to donate. That is fine if people what to give to them, but get the taxpayers out of the process.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Noble Peace Prize. WHAT A JOKE!!!
I have always thought the Nobel Peace Prize was a joke. I can completely understand awards for the other categories, but the Peace prize, how do you quantify peace and it's impact? They gave it to Yasser Arafat, who was a terrorist and actively supported the killing of Israelis. Sure this is a person you should give a peace prize too. They gave it to Kofi Annan at the United Nations, who during his tenure was one of the most corrupt organizations ever known and still is. The United Nations has done nothing for peace. Even their so called "peace keepers" continue to commit atrocities in Africa while also allowing atrocities to happen.
Three years ago they gave it to Al Gore for the so called work on climate change which has now proven to be using faulty data. These so called scientists are using data collected from devices that are either not calibrated correctly or placed in a location where it cannot gain an accurate reading of the temperature. Even a dummy like me knows that if you put a thermometer next to black asphalt that it will register a higher temp than if it was suspended over grass. But apparently these climate scientists do not know that.
And then last year, giving the prize to Barack Obama, who has done nothing on the international stage just shows how out of touch the people who give the awards are. Since I guess Norway is a Socialist country they must give credence to anyone who espouses the same dogma. I wonder if you can take it back after Barack Obama has basically killed the US economy. So much for contributing to peace. Promises do not lead to results.
And then this year, they gave it to a guy in prison in China in the hopes it will lead to more democracy in China. Just another hopeful presentation of an award. Now the guy's family is probably imprisoned. Thanks Nobel.
Through all the years, they never award the prize to individuals who truly deserve it. They gave it to Gorbechev but not to Reagan, who was probably the more influential in ending the cold war. But they could not do that because Reagan was a Capitalist not a Socialist. In 1945 they gave it to Cordell Hull for helping to establish the United Nations but not to Eisenhower or Winston Churchill who led the forces that removed the Nazi party that committed awful atrocities in Europe. Those two men did more for peace than anything the United Nations has ever done.
I will give profs for two of the selections. Martin Luther King and Mother Theresa are probably the only two people I would even consider worthy of the award.
Personally I think the Norwegians ought to get heir heads out of the asses and begin to realize that war and peace is a dichotomy and they can not be apart from each other. Thus to wage war is to also make peace. To only recognize people who supposedly seek peace, eliminates the fact that their actions can lead to war.
Three years ago they gave it to Al Gore for the so called work on climate change which has now proven to be using faulty data. These so called scientists are using data collected from devices that are either not calibrated correctly or placed in a location where it cannot gain an accurate reading of the temperature. Even a dummy like me knows that if you put a thermometer next to black asphalt that it will register a higher temp than if it was suspended over grass. But apparently these climate scientists do not know that.
And then last year, giving the prize to Barack Obama, who has done nothing on the international stage just shows how out of touch the people who give the awards are. Since I guess Norway is a Socialist country they must give credence to anyone who espouses the same dogma. I wonder if you can take it back after Barack Obama has basically killed the US economy. So much for contributing to peace. Promises do not lead to results.
And then this year, they gave it to a guy in prison in China in the hopes it will lead to more democracy in China. Just another hopeful presentation of an award. Now the guy's family is probably imprisoned. Thanks Nobel.
Through all the years, they never award the prize to individuals who truly deserve it. They gave it to Gorbechev but not to Reagan, who was probably the more influential in ending the cold war. But they could not do that because Reagan was a Capitalist not a Socialist. In 1945 they gave it to Cordell Hull for helping to establish the United Nations but not to Eisenhower or Winston Churchill who led the forces that removed the Nazi party that committed awful atrocities in Europe. Those two men did more for peace than anything the United Nations has ever done.
I will give profs for two of the selections. Martin Luther King and Mother Theresa are probably the only two people I would even consider worthy of the award.
Personally I think the Norwegians ought to get heir heads out of the asses and begin to realize that war and peace is a dichotomy and they can not be apart from each other. Thus to wage war is to also make peace. To only recognize people who supposedly seek peace, eliminates the fact that their actions can lead to war.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Rep. Alan Grayson. What a waste of air!!!
This Congressional Representative from Florida, Alan Grayson, what a complete waste of air that someone decent could be breathing. This guy needs to go ahead and put on his foil hat and drink the Kool-Aid. This guy has released a political ad where he is taking his challengers statements completely out of context. After the crap that happened to the lady at the Agriculture Department, did he really think that people were not going to check to make sure statements are given their proper context.
Even after his campaign was challenged and told that the statements are taken out of context and he was provided the entire statement within the correct context, his campaign's response was, "well he did say those words." If that is their answer to a grossly misleading if not downright dishonest ad, then why don't we go ahead and piece together an ad that says "I, Alan Grayson, am a member of the Taliban and Al Qaeda. I support pedophiles and spousal abuse." I am sure we can piece together an entire ad campaign where he has used those words at one point in his life. It would be just a matter of some selective editing and taking statements out of context to do it. According to his campaign this is legitimate because he did say those words. Just for fun, and if I have some time on my hands, maybe I will do that.
There are some people in this world who are just so blatantly dishonest and venomous, that they really should cease to exist. As it stands right now, there is nothing that I can see that makes this man anything other than a waste of air.
Even after his campaign was challenged and told that the statements are taken out of context and he was provided the entire statement within the correct context, his campaign's response was, "well he did say those words." If that is their answer to a grossly misleading if not downright dishonest ad, then why don't we go ahead and piece together an ad that says "I, Alan Grayson, am a member of the Taliban and Al Qaeda. I support pedophiles and spousal abuse." I am sure we can piece together an entire ad campaign where he has used those words at one point in his life. It would be just a matter of some selective editing and taking statements out of context to do it. According to his campaign this is legitimate because he did say those words. Just for fun, and if I have some time on my hands, maybe I will do that.
There are some people in this world who are just so blatantly dishonest and venomous, that they really should cease to exist. As it stands right now, there is nothing that I can see that makes this man anything other than a waste of air.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Taxes! How dumb to the Dems think we are????
All I have been hearing the past few days is how the Dems and Obama want to let the Bush Tax Cuts sunset, while also keeping in place the tax cuts for people who make less than 250k. They are trying to paint this as they are making tax cuts. How stupid do they think we are??? We already have the tax cuts. By letting them sunset they are in effect raising taxes. By keeping them in place they are maintaining the status quo. For them to even take the position that they are cutting taxes, they would have to believe that their tax base is fixed and permanent, so any changes must all be reflected back to the standard. What screwed up thinking got them here, to think that tax basis is fixed and can only be changed temporarily?
If I am not mistaken, President Bush tried to make his tax cuts permanent, thus changing the basis, but the Dems fought him on it. They were the ones who placed the sunset limitations in the original bill. They have been trying to repeal the tax cuts ever since they were implemented. Now that they have control of Congress and the Presidency, they could have immediately repealed the tax cuts, but instead they are choosing to let them sunset so they would not have to go on record of raising taxes. But by letting them sunset that is exactly what they are doing.
It also amazes me that people actually think the Obama is only going after the people who make over 250k. The Dems have been trying to repeal the tax cuts across the board for years, so what would make people think they will only change the tax basis for the 250k+ people. As soon as this upcoming election is over, Obama will push to raise everyone's taxes because he needs the money to fund his programs. They only way he can fund them is to raise taxes on all people who make over 38k. The people who make less than that already get most of their money from the government anyway.
When will people realize that Federal Government jobs produce nothing. They do not grow the economy. They are just bureaucratic positions that are meant to shuffle paperwork and watch over and regulate industry. They produce nothing, they just hand out money. All Obama has been doing is growing the Federal Government ranks to appease his Union bosses. Anyone who thinks that Obama is about change needs to read some history and see that all he is doing is bringing the USA back to the years of Woodrow Wilson. It has always been my opinion that it was the social programing of the 1910's and 1920's that led to the depression of the 1930's. That is where we are headed unless fiscally responsible politicians are elected. We need to live with in our means, balance the budget, eliminate the deficit, and eliminate our national debt to other countries. The only way to do that is to slash government jobs, government programs, and stop rewarding people for substandard performance.
If I am not mistaken, President Bush tried to make his tax cuts permanent, thus changing the basis, but the Dems fought him on it. They were the ones who placed the sunset limitations in the original bill. They have been trying to repeal the tax cuts ever since they were implemented. Now that they have control of Congress and the Presidency, they could have immediately repealed the tax cuts, but instead they are choosing to let them sunset so they would not have to go on record of raising taxes. But by letting them sunset that is exactly what they are doing.
It also amazes me that people actually think the Obama is only going after the people who make over 250k. The Dems have been trying to repeal the tax cuts across the board for years, so what would make people think they will only change the tax basis for the 250k+ people. As soon as this upcoming election is over, Obama will push to raise everyone's taxes because he needs the money to fund his programs. They only way he can fund them is to raise taxes on all people who make over 38k. The people who make less than that already get most of their money from the government anyway.
When will people realize that Federal Government jobs produce nothing. They do not grow the economy. They are just bureaucratic positions that are meant to shuffle paperwork and watch over and regulate industry. They produce nothing, they just hand out money. All Obama has been doing is growing the Federal Government ranks to appease his Union bosses. Anyone who thinks that Obama is about change needs to read some history and see that all he is doing is bringing the USA back to the years of Woodrow Wilson. It has always been my opinion that it was the social programing of the 1910's and 1920's that led to the depression of the 1930's. That is where we are headed unless fiscally responsible politicians are elected. We need to live with in our means, balance the budget, eliminate the deficit, and eliminate our national debt to other countries. The only way to do that is to slash government jobs, government programs, and stop rewarding people for substandard performance.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
So Cuba is suppose to be really great
Fidel: 'Cuban Model Doesn't Even Work For Us Anymore' - International - The Atlantic
I wonder if since now that Castro has finally realized what most people in the rest of the world have known for some time, if the Hollywood Liberals will finally shut up and realize that capitalism is the only economic system that will bring about prosperity. For years you have seen bozo's like Sean Penn, Danny Glover, Michael Moore, and others sing the praises of Cuba and how much they admire Fidel Castro. All the while Castro has kept this country poor just so he can continue to celebrate his "revolution". Castro is a egomaniac who thrives upon other people's adoration. The man is to proud to realize that his own shortcomings have brought about the worst for the country he supposedly loves. After he came to power he had to rely upon the Soviet Union just to provide the basics, and since the Soviet Union collapsed, Cuba has had little to no economy. But of course the liberals are so stupid they think countries can be run based purely on ideology and rhetoric. Just see how Obama was elected.
I wonder if since now that Castro has finally realized what most people in the rest of the world have known for some time, if the Hollywood Liberals will finally shut up and realize that capitalism is the only economic system that will bring about prosperity. For years you have seen bozo's like Sean Penn, Danny Glover, Michael Moore, and others sing the praises of Cuba and how much they admire Fidel Castro. All the while Castro has kept this country poor just so he can continue to celebrate his "revolution". Castro is a egomaniac who thrives upon other people's adoration. The man is to proud to realize that his own shortcomings have brought about the worst for the country he supposedly loves. After he came to power he had to rely upon the Soviet Union just to provide the basics, and since the Soviet Union collapsed, Cuba has had little to no economy. But of course the liberals are so stupid they think countries can be run based purely on ideology and rhetoric. Just see how Obama was elected.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Nut Jobs in Florida
OK here is a church in Gainesville, FL who will be hosting a Koran burning party on 9/11. If this is not the dumbest thing I have heard. This just goes to show that there are nut jobs in every religion. I can understand that they do not believe the Koran is the word of God, and I agree with them in that aspect. But to knowingly burn a book that thousands of people around the world consider holy, is just being a punk bully. Here in America people are trying to stop the construction of a mosque at the World Trade Center for the very fact that it would be like sticking a finger in the eye of the USA. Now we have some wacko, podunk church wanting to burn the Koran. Talk about sticking a finger in someone's eye.
Now I know that bibles are confiscated and burned all the time in Muslim nations, and they will kill anyone trying to preach any religion other than Islam. That is wrong in my opinion. But we need to fight the good fight and burning the Koran is not fighting the good fight it is just grandstanding for attention. I hope the Pastor at that church will realize what he is doing is bringing attention to himself for the wrong reason. If he thinks he is standing up for Christ, then I think he needs to reread the Bible he carries with him.
Now I know that bibles are confiscated and burned all the time in Muslim nations, and they will kill anyone trying to preach any religion other than Islam. That is wrong in my opinion. But we need to fight the good fight and burning the Koran is not fighting the good fight it is just grandstanding for attention. I hope the Pastor at that church will realize what he is doing is bringing attention to himself for the wrong reason. If he thinks he is standing up for Christ, then I think he needs to reread the Bible he carries with him.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
John Cusack, Another Liberal Idiot!
I am deeply troubled because one of my favorite actors, John Cusack, decided to mouth off on his Twitter account about Fox News and some Republican leaders. I have always liked John Cusack as an actor, and his 80's movies are still some of my favorites; "Say Anything", "16 Candles", "Sure Thing", "Better Off Dead", and "One Crazy Summer". And I have also liked his sister's, Joan, work. I have always known he was liberal, and that is OK. I have no problem with Hollywood actors having different views from me, but when they begin to get on a soapbox and spew venom at people who do not have the same viewpoints, that is where I get pissed off.
Many actors have no idea the power they hold over their fans. Just look at some of the nut jobs who have tried to harm their idols. Just like the recent issue of the woman who was so obsessed with Paula Abdul that when she did not make it through on American Idol she killed herself outside Abdul's house. It is a shame that such tragedy occurs and that there are people in the world so delusional that they cannot separate a person from their fame. Even more reason, individuals who are in the public eye need to very careful about their comments. I am sure John Cusack feels deeply about his opinions, but when he expresses those opinions in such a public forum as Twitter, it could lead to some people who are not mentally grounded to take action because in their mind John has given his blessing to the action.
This is not to say that if something happens that John should be blamed. Everyone must take responsibility for their own actions, but John needs to be mindful of his position. Of course, the people we have most to blame for any of us spouting off are the politicians. These bozos are so camera hungry that they will say almost anything just to get on one. It is easily understood that other people feel that they then can then spout off about inane issues, because the very people we have elected to lead our country are spouting off about the same inane issues. And the other problem is that all the news networks cover it as if it was actually news. I personally believe Fox News and MSNBC are the primary culprits.
John, please, next time you feel pissed off about people who have different opinions, separate yourself from the situation by turning off the radio, TV or computer and go and read a good book or listen to music, something to take your mind off of it, and then when you have cooled off some, then express your opinion. We have enough politicians shooting from the hip we do not need to make the problem worse.
Many actors have no idea the power they hold over their fans. Just look at some of the nut jobs who have tried to harm their idols. Just like the recent issue of the woman who was so obsessed with Paula Abdul that when she did not make it through on American Idol she killed herself outside Abdul's house. It is a shame that such tragedy occurs and that there are people in the world so delusional that they cannot separate a person from their fame. Even more reason, individuals who are in the public eye need to very careful about their comments. I am sure John Cusack feels deeply about his opinions, but when he expresses those opinions in such a public forum as Twitter, it could lead to some people who are not mentally grounded to take action because in their mind John has given his blessing to the action.
This is not to say that if something happens that John should be blamed. Everyone must take responsibility for their own actions, but John needs to be mindful of his position. Of course, the people we have most to blame for any of us spouting off are the politicians. These bozos are so camera hungry that they will say almost anything just to get on one. It is easily understood that other people feel that they then can then spout off about inane issues, because the very people we have elected to lead our country are spouting off about the same inane issues. And the other problem is that all the news networks cover it as if it was actually news. I personally believe Fox News and MSNBC are the primary culprits.
John, please, next time you feel pissed off about people who have different opinions, separate yourself from the situation by turning off the radio, TV or computer and go and read a good book or listen to music, something to take your mind off of it, and then when you have cooled off some, then express your opinion. We have enough politicians shooting from the hip we do not need to make the problem worse.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Brad Pitt? Another Liberal Idiot!
Brad Pitt this weekend said that he has always been against the death penalty but would reconsider for the people responsible for the BP oil spill. This is laughable. Liberals are not willing to execute someone convicted of brutally killing innocent people because they believe everyone can be rehabilitated, but want to kill executives who manage companies responsible for environmental disasters. True 12 people were killed when the oil platform blew up, and the managers may be in someway responsible for those deaths, but in any corporation there are several tiers of people who could at any time stand up and say "STOP".
Liberals would rather kill people who have killed animals than people who have killed other people. Not to diminish the situation many people are dealing with right now, but they will recover in time. I think the BP executives should be jailed once liability has been determined, and I think many of them should never work in the management capacity again. However, I do not think they should be executed. I also think BP as a company should be punished severely even if it means they go bankrupt. Their business decisions and greed probably led to the whole problem.
How far would Brad Pitt go? There are several government employees who could be responsible by not reporting violations or not reacting quickly to either prevent or stem the damage. Should these people also be executed? It just goes to show that we need to get away from knee jerk reactions, as politicians are prone to do, and deal with the matter at hand. There will be plenty of time to assign blame and prosecute violations.
I also did not like how the Obama administration grandstanded with Eric Holder saying there would be criminal charges. Plug the hole before you grandstand. I have very little patience with people who take advantage of crises to advance their agenda. And, Brad Pitt, if your convictions can be changed that quickly, then that says something about your character. If you are opposed to capital punishment, then you are opposed to it, and it is not situational. If the BP executives knowingly and with malice sent those men onto that platform knowing it would explode and kill them, then "yes" execution may be in order. But if they took shortcuts and ignored safety practices then just like a drunk driver would not be executed, they should be be jailed and maybe charged with manslaughter. I would rather see child molesters and pedophiles executed before corporate executives and managers.
It is a shame that I do like Brad Pitt's movies, so I will not be boycotting them, but I wish he would shut up because it makes it harder to go to them.
Liberals would rather kill people who have killed animals than people who have killed other people. Not to diminish the situation many people are dealing with right now, but they will recover in time. I think the BP executives should be jailed once liability has been determined, and I think many of them should never work in the management capacity again. However, I do not think they should be executed. I also think BP as a company should be punished severely even if it means they go bankrupt. Their business decisions and greed probably led to the whole problem.
How far would Brad Pitt go? There are several government employees who could be responsible by not reporting violations or not reacting quickly to either prevent or stem the damage. Should these people also be executed? It just goes to show that we need to get away from knee jerk reactions, as politicians are prone to do, and deal with the matter at hand. There will be plenty of time to assign blame and prosecute violations.
I also did not like how the Obama administration grandstanded with Eric Holder saying there would be criminal charges. Plug the hole before you grandstand. I have very little patience with people who take advantage of crises to advance their agenda. And, Brad Pitt, if your convictions can be changed that quickly, then that says something about your character. If you are opposed to capital punishment, then you are opposed to it, and it is not situational. If the BP executives knowingly and with malice sent those men onto that platform knowing it would explode and kill them, then "yes" execution may be in order. But if they took shortcuts and ignored safety practices then just like a drunk driver would not be executed, they should be be jailed and maybe charged with manslaughter. I would rather see child molesters and pedophiles executed before corporate executives and managers.
It is a shame that I do like Brad Pitt's movies, so I will not be boycotting them, but I wish he would shut up because it makes it harder to go to them.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Pelosi!!! Can you get more STUPID??
Yesterday it was reported that our illustrious Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, has called for an investigation of the people who are opposed to the mosque at the WTC. She believes that it is a concerted effort and that funding should be investigated. Pelosi is wanting to investigate American citizens who have done nothing other than use their freedom of speech and criminally charge them, but is unwilling to investigate where the money is coming from to build the mosque. The imam who wants to build the mosque has already been linked to several terrorist organizations such as Hamas.
Also the liberals are calling anyone who opposes the building of the mosque a racist or a bigot. How even more stupid can you get. According to the liberals, the people who lost loved ones when the towers fell are bigots because they do not want the mosque. These people lost husbands, fathers, wives, mothers, sons, daughters, cousins, etc. and just because they do not want a "Islamic Cultural Center" built within a stones throw of the place where their loved ones were killed by nut jobs who practice the same religion, they are deemed bigots by liberals. OOOOOHHH to be so enlightened. What will the liberals say if this mosque is built and then is used as a breeding ground for more radicals and then as a staging point for attacks. I guess most of these enlightened liberals consider the nut jobs who flew into the buildings were just practicing their freedom of speech to protest the actions of the US government and that if any of them lived they should not be prosecuted because freedom of speech must be protected. The only speech they want protected is speech that is in lockstep with them.
I think they ought to build the mosque in Pelosi's district in San Fran and let those crazies deal with it. Pelosi is about as clueless as you can get. She is an elitist liberal who believes she can solve all of our problems as long as you let her whether you agree with her solution or not. And the liberals called Bush a "fascist." Just goes to show that they have no concept of the meaning of the word.
Also the liberals are calling anyone who opposes the building of the mosque a racist or a bigot. How even more stupid can you get. According to the liberals, the people who lost loved ones when the towers fell are bigots because they do not want the mosque. These people lost husbands, fathers, wives, mothers, sons, daughters, cousins, etc. and just because they do not want a "Islamic Cultural Center" built within a stones throw of the place where their loved ones were killed by nut jobs who practice the same religion, they are deemed bigots by liberals. OOOOOHHH to be so enlightened. What will the liberals say if this mosque is built and then is used as a breeding ground for more radicals and then as a staging point for attacks. I guess most of these enlightened liberals consider the nut jobs who flew into the buildings were just practicing their freedom of speech to protest the actions of the US government and that if any of them lived they should not be prosecuted because freedom of speech must be protected. The only speech they want protected is speech that is in lockstep with them.
I think they ought to build the mosque in Pelosi's district in San Fran and let those crazies deal with it. Pelosi is about as clueless as you can get. She is an elitist liberal who believes she can solve all of our problems as long as you let her whether you agree with her solution or not. And the liberals called Bush a "fascist." Just goes to show that they have no concept of the meaning of the word.
Monday, August 16, 2010
WTC Mosque
This weekend I kept hearing talk about the mosque, or as the Muslims call it a "neighborhood activity and culture center, to be built near ground zero of the WTC. In this case I actually agree a little with President Obama. According to the Constitution they have every right to build it there and the government should not prevent them. However, if the Islamic community was really concerned about the image they portray and if they truly believe they are a religion of peace, they would realize that what they are doing is slapping the US in the face. A caller to a talk news program made a good point in that we would not want a Japanese activity and culture center built at Pearl Harbor.
I disagree completely with NYC Mayor Bloomberg about the funding for the center. The US has every right to know where the funding is coming from to build the center and to make sure it is not coming from sources who seek to destroy the USA. IMO this is tantamount to asking for your enemy to come into your backyard and then building his fort for him. The imam involved should not even be allowed into this country let alone let him raise funds to build the center. The man espouses Sharia Law which he believes should be implemented here in the USA. You do not hear an outcry from the liberals about this, but if Christians and Jews espoused that we should return to Old Testament Law, BOY! would you hear them then. If the Sharia Law as practiced in Iran is any indication of what he was thinking, then the homosexual community in NYC has some trouble on their hands. Iran hangs suspected homosexuals and they just executed a woman thought to have committed adultery. Old Testament Law required homosexuals and adulterers to be stoned. I think liberal "so called" tolerance of others may come to a screeching halt.
Back to the culture center, I also agreed with another caller who suggested that Jewish and Christian groups petition the NYC planning board to build culture centers surrounding the Islamic one and make sure they post their religious symbols very prominently from the buildings. Somehow I think Bloomberg would try and prevent this being done, because he would probably say that they were intentionally stirring things up. However, he does not think that is what the Muslims are doing now.
NYC is just a cesspool of crap IMO. This is not to say that good things do not come from NYC. You can grow beautiful roses with crap, but in the end it is still crap. People who say it is wonderful because of the multiculturalism, IMO just have never been to see the rest of the country. There are cultures all over this land, but many New Yorkers have never been anywhere except NY and Florida. I guess they are not really interested in seeing different cultures.
I disagree completely with NYC Mayor Bloomberg about the funding for the center. The US has every right to know where the funding is coming from to build the center and to make sure it is not coming from sources who seek to destroy the USA. IMO this is tantamount to asking for your enemy to come into your backyard and then building his fort for him. The imam involved should not even be allowed into this country let alone let him raise funds to build the center. The man espouses Sharia Law which he believes should be implemented here in the USA. You do not hear an outcry from the liberals about this, but if Christians and Jews espoused that we should return to Old Testament Law, BOY! would you hear them then. If the Sharia Law as practiced in Iran is any indication of what he was thinking, then the homosexual community in NYC has some trouble on their hands. Iran hangs suspected homosexuals and they just executed a woman thought to have committed adultery. Old Testament Law required homosexuals and adulterers to be stoned. I think liberal "so called" tolerance of others may come to a screeching halt.
Back to the culture center, I also agreed with another caller who suggested that Jewish and Christian groups petition the NYC planning board to build culture centers surrounding the Islamic one and make sure they post their religious symbols very prominently from the buildings. Somehow I think Bloomberg would try and prevent this being done, because he would probably say that they were intentionally stirring things up. However, he does not think that is what the Muslims are doing now.
NYC is just a cesspool of crap IMO. This is not to say that good things do not come from NYC. You can grow beautiful roses with crap, but in the end it is still crap. People who say it is wonderful because of the multiculturalism, IMO just have never been to see the rest of the country. There are cultures all over this land, but many New Yorkers have never been anywhere except NY and Florida. I guess they are not really interested in seeing different cultures.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Politics and Government
I am mostly conservative. I understand that there is a role for government, but I do not think the role should be what it currently is. Taking money from people who have worked hard to obtain it so it can be given to be people who have either made bad choices or just do not want to work is not a good practice. I do not believe it is the government's role to try and lift people up out of their so called poverty. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas once said he did not know he grew up poor until someone told him he did. Some people may have more than others, but in my opinion this is because some people have chosen to either do without or to do more. You should not sit and wait for someone to do something for you. Just because you may not make much money does not necessarily make you poor. The word "poor" is being misused by opportunists to try and push an agenda and gather power.
With that said, I am rather ticked off with politicians right now, especially Rep. Charlie Rangel. Here is a guy who has been caught not paying rent for his offices even though he should have known, taking trips that were paid for by corporate interests and then lying and still saying that he is an upstanding citizen. He may at one time been a very honest person, but because he has been in DC to long I do not think the word "honesty" is in his vocabulary or any other politicians. Sadly former Rep, Dan Rostenkowski died today and even he said that what he did did not break the law. The man was hiring people to do work at this personal home and billing them to the taxpayers. You can not tell me he did not know what he was doing was wrong. The same argument goes for Rangel, you can not tell me he did not know what he was doing was wrong. Also sadly Sen. Ted Stevens was killed this week. He also was convicted of a crime even though a judge did throw out the conviction do to prosecutorial misconduct. He did not vacate the verdict. All of them were intentionally cheating the taxpayers.
Most Politicians in DC are crooks in my opinion. Few of them should be entrusted with serving the people. Most are up there solely to line their pocket and for the perks that come with the job. Someone once said that cynicism is easy, but in this case cynicism is the only thing we have when too many people are unwilling to educate themselves on the candidates and keep voting them back.
With that said, I am rather ticked off with politicians right now, especially Rep. Charlie Rangel. Here is a guy who has been caught not paying rent for his offices even though he should have known, taking trips that were paid for by corporate interests and then lying and still saying that he is an upstanding citizen. He may at one time been a very honest person, but because he has been in DC to long I do not think the word "honesty" is in his vocabulary or any other politicians. Sadly former Rep, Dan Rostenkowski died today and even he said that what he did did not break the law. The man was hiring people to do work at this personal home and billing them to the taxpayers. You can not tell me he did not know what he was doing was wrong. The same argument goes for Rangel, you can not tell me he did not know what he was doing was wrong. Also sadly Sen. Ted Stevens was killed this week. He also was convicted of a crime even though a judge did throw out the conviction do to prosecutorial misconduct. He did not vacate the verdict. All of them were intentionally cheating the taxpayers.
Most Politicians in DC are crooks in my opinion. Few of them should be entrusted with serving the people. Most are up there solely to line their pocket and for the perks that come with the job. Someone once said that cynicism is easy, but in this case cynicism is the only thing we have when too many people are unwilling to educate themselves on the candidates and keep voting them back.
Monday, August 9, 2010
Sure "Islam is about Peace"
Over the weekend I read several stories the war in Afghanistan and in other areas and I am still shocked how some people still defend Islam as being a religion of peace. There may be Muslims who are peaceful people, but the religion itself is all about violence. A medical mission group comprised of several nationalities was ambushed and killed in Afghanistan because the Taliban said they were preaching Christianity. A religion of peace would not condone the cowardly slaughter of people who were trying to bring medical care to less fortunate people.
Next, a Pakistani couple were killed by the husbands brother and some of his friends for refusing to allow their daughters to marry his sons. Form where I come from marrying your first cousin is a form of incest. And even then the rejection does not deserve death of your brother. Until Islamic leaders begin to speak out and condemn these acts of violence, I for one will never view their religion as anything other than a bunch of bullies getting together to try and force people to do what they want and using religion to justify it.
Next, a Pakistani couple were killed by the husbands brother and some of his friends for refusing to allow their daughters to marry his sons. Form where I come from marrying your first cousin is a form of incest. And even then the rejection does not deserve death of your brother. Until Islamic leaders begin to speak out and condemn these acts of violence, I for one will never view their religion as anything other than a bunch of bullies getting together to try and force people to do what they want and using religion to justify it.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Liberal Hypocrisy - NY Rep. Jerrold Nadler
Opinion Article in yesterdays Wall Street Journal. Now this really pisses me off. This liberal Democratic from one of the wealthiest areas in the country, Lower Manhattan, is proposing that the Bush Tax Cuts for people who make over $250K should only apply to people who live in areas that vote Democrat. All states that voted Republican should have there taxes increased to pay for his liberal programs.
All we ever hear from the left is that we are all in this together and that we should all share the burden. But according to this bozo, if you have the right political ideology then you are a special class deserving of special treatment. According to his logic, the reason the blue states should have the tax cuts is because they are already paying more in taxes. Well, Dummy! the reason they are paying more in taxes is because the idiot voters in the area keep voting in Dummies like him who keep raising taxes for their liberal causes. The Red States are more conservative who believe that you should earn what you get and that government is not there to take care of everyone.
For a Democratic Party that pushes that everyone should be equal and that there needs to be less of a disparity between the "haves" and have nots", this certainly fly's in the face of that thinking. This is the epitome of Liberal hypocrisy and Liberal Elitist thinking which is because I think a certain way I am entitles to special privileges. For the people who do not make much money it is we will take money from the people who do not agree with us and give it to you, and for people who do make money it is we will not take money from you so that you can give it to us so we can advance the agenda we both agree on.
All we ever hear from the left is that we are all in this together and that we should all share the burden. But according to this bozo, if you have the right political ideology then you are a special class deserving of special treatment. According to his logic, the reason the blue states should have the tax cuts is because they are already paying more in taxes. Well, Dummy! the reason they are paying more in taxes is because the idiot voters in the area keep voting in Dummies like him who keep raising taxes for their liberal causes. The Red States are more conservative who believe that you should earn what you get and that government is not there to take care of everyone.
For a Democratic Party that pushes that everyone should be equal and that there needs to be less of a disparity between the "haves" and have nots", this certainly fly's in the face of that thinking. This is the epitome of Liberal hypocrisy and Liberal Elitist thinking which is because I think a certain way I am entitles to special privileges. For the people who do not make much money it is we will take money from the people who do not agree with us and give it to you, and for people who do make money it is we will not take money from you so that you can give it to us so we can advance the agenda we both agree on.
One irony of the tax increase that arrives on January 1 is that the it will hit residents of high-income, Democratic-leaning states like California, Connecticut, New Jersey and New York the hardest. This is a problem for pro-tax Democrats. Enter New York Representative Jerrold Nadler, who wants to exempt his own six-figure constituents from the tax hike he supports. Mr. Nadler's bill would "require the IRS to adjust tax brackets proportionally in regions where the average cost of living is higher than the national average." In other words, the various tax brackets would apply to residents in certain regions at higher income levels versus other parts of the country. A family with an income of $50,000 or even $1 million in Manhattan would pay less federal income tax than a family with the same earnings in Omaha. The bill is called the Tax Equity Act, but a more accurate title would be the Blue State Tax Preference Act. "The basic costs of life in the New York region are much steeper than in most parts the country," says Mr. Nadler. "The reality is that a dollar in New York isn't worth nearly as much as a dollar in Spokane or Knoxville or Topeka. It's time for our tax code to take reality into account when assessing someone's tax liability. That point about "reality" and the tax code could certainly use some fleshing out, but leave that aside. A big reason the cost of living is so high in Boston, Manhattan and San Francisco is because of high state and local taxes, union work rules, and heavy business regulation that make it more expensive to produce, sell and buy things. Why should someone in Spokane or Knoxville or Topeka be penalized because New York and California impose destructive policies? Mr. Nadler also conveniently forgets that the federal tax code already subsidizes high-cost states through the deductibility of state and local income and property taxes. An all-star line-up of liberal class warriors has nonetheless endorsed Mr. Nadler's effort to raise taxes on the rich everywhere but in their own districts. New York House Members Tim Bishop, Steve Israel, Nita Lowey, Carolyn Maloney and Carolyn McCarthy are cosponsors. Ms. Lowey, who has voted to tax anything that moves, now says that "When it comes to the tax code, one size just doesn't fit all" and laments that New York has "some of the highest property taxes in the country." But whose fault is that? So welcome to the brave new world of "tax equity." If you live in a state that voted for Barack Obama, you get a tax cut.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Day 1
The purpose of this is for me to put down my thoughts of the day. They are only my thoughts and I do not care what other people think about them. I may be pissed at something, or I may think something is pretty cool. This spot is for the things I cannot post on other social sights. Some may be adult in nature, and some may be rather tame. Anyone who is interested in what I have to say, then fine, but I will not get into discussions about my posts because these are my posts.
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